rolling into a sustainable future

rolling into a sustainable future

homemade simplicity…

born from a home kitchen in notting hill, what makes us who we are is the simplicity in our product… we only make one type of dough. this laminated croissant dough is rolled and shaped to create our entire menu. however, our most important rule is that we have a three hour window to sell our buns from the moment they leave our ovens, this ensures our guests get the freshest possible treats every day.

waste not want not…

the surplus stock this creates means we can make more deliciousness, all our double bake buns are saved and filled frangipane and then topped with almonds, or dulce de leche, or pistachios or a seriously moreish banana walnut frangipane.

our famous ‘fauxcaccia’…

minimising food waste has driven us to constantly explore fun ways for utilizing and repurposing all of the ingredients we use in our kitchens. one particular example we adore is our inventive approach to repurposing off-cuts of bun dough, resulting in our famous focaccia, this ingenious (if we say so ourselves) method dates back to our humble beginnings in notting hill when we operated a single shop.